lundi 8 septembre 2014

A journey through stars

The night is bright, a sea of stars is shining, like nails' holes on a thin, old roof. On a subtle plan, souls are journeying through the streams of these reversed abysses. Mine has left its enveloppe during my sleep, and it's moving freely in the universe's shadows, getting rid of the crackling chains of the material world.

After a long swim in the atmosphere, I see a bright, little light. Your soul. It's purple and fragile, with incrustations of variations of red and blue. It's a beautiful, soothing little vortex, where other souls are enjoying this delicious purity. Soulmates.

We know each others from centuries, gathering around the skies to entertain ourselves and learn from each others, and to help each others to grow and join the others in those new, beautiful worlds, free of material conceptions and egos, growing more and more, vibrating more and more intensively. Some of us are slow, so one or two would decide to stay and teach it.

No one is left behind.

I had my teachings. I will try to bring these back to awakening, and remember. Remember that if I feel lonely, I had at least one soulmates which stayed to teach me, and the others are right behind the veil.

So I fall back to earth, in a sweet state of loss and happiness, knowing the way and burying it into this small universe inside my brain.


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